This year, all five All-Star games will be broadcasted live on the Peachtree Sports Network, giving our players the maximum exposure during each game. All Georgia Elite Classic middle school players must submit an Elite Classic Waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 13TH to participate. In addition, they must also submit a copy of their physical. You can download the waivers on this page to easily print for your convenience. If possible, please sign and then scan the documents to save to your computer. Next please click “Registration” which will bring you to the registration form on Wufoo. Please complete the form with necessary information uploaded and submitted. When done, hit submit.
Please take note that all 8th Grade participants will be staying in hotels during the three-day event, while 7th Grade participants hotel accommodations are not included.
Download Waiver 7th Grade Registration 8th Grade Registration